Photo: Valeria Duque
Colombian pattern designer and illustrator based in Barcelona.

Catalina is known for her colorful and vibrant designs. 

Her ability to reimagine  the folkloric visuals of Latin America in a kaleidoscope of color and symmetry has helped her build her own universe based on the simplicity of beauty.

Born and raised in Colombia, Catalina draws inspiration from her childhood surrounded by the rich tapestry of flora and fauna.

Catalina graduated with honors in graphic design from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín (Colombia), following painting and drawing courses at the University of Pittsburg (USA) and fine arts and lithography at the Llotja School of Arts, Barcelona (Spain).

Her distinctive style has led to collaborations with major clients such as Disney, Netflix, Xbox, Paul Smith, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Camper, Nike, Levis, Smart/Mercedes Benz, Paulo Coelho, Unicef, the municipalities of Barcelona and London, and the Government of India, among others.

Additionally, she has two courses on Domestika about Pattern Design and Creating Color Palettes , guiding thousands of students globally. 

Catalina is frequently invited to share her insights and expertise in talks and workshops around the world.

-Adobe Max, Miami, USA
-Bicebé, Bienal del Cartel Bolivia, Santa Fé, Bolivia
-DesingThinkers, RGD, Canada
-Copa Domestika, Bogotá, Colombia
-OFFF Mexico, DF, México
-OFFF Barcelona, Spain
-FID, Costa Rica
-DH 15, Querétaro, México
-Ilustrafic, Valencia, Spain
-TMDG, Mar del Plata, Argentina
-Arica Barroca, Chile
-Adobe Live, Barcelona, Spain
-Bodega Comfama, Medellín, Colombia
-Caixa Forum, Sevilla, Spain
-Caixa Forum, Barcelona, Spain
-Ilus Posgrado, Bs As, Argentina
-MICA, Ministerio de Cultura, Bs As, Argentina 
-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellin, Colombia
-Unifranz, La Paz, Bolivia
-Universidad de Buenos Aires FADU, Argentina

Disney, Netflix, Xbox, Paul Smith, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Old Navy, Target, Lexus, Sony, Adobe, Penguin Random House, Chronicle Books, Nike, Levis, Smart / Mercedes Benz, Paulo Coelho, Unicef, Barcelona’s City Hall, Mayor of London, Government of India, Firefox, Lindt, Marks & Spencer, Bed Bath and Beyond, Camper, Zara, Starbucks, Tequila Corralejo, Hallmark

Solo Exhibitions
2013. "A Cielo Abierto" MAMM, Museo de Arte Moderno, Medellín, Colombia
2009. “Desarmando Sueños” , Iguapop Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2007. “Sweet Company” La Luz de Jesús Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2006. “No me quieras matar corazón”, Iguapop Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2005. "Once Upon a Time", Roq La Rue Gallery, Seattle, USA

Selected Group Exhibitions
2024. “Tot Cor” National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts "González Martí", Valencia, Spain
2024. “Cartel Latino” 15 Plaster Festival,  Center of Contemporary Art, Toruń, Poland
2023. "Art, design and crafts speak of love" Disseny Hub, Barcelona, Spain
2018. "Biennial of the Americas" Civic Center Park, Denver, USA
2012. “Making Great Illustration” Peninsula Arts Gallery, UK
2011. “Tzompantli Gráfico” Museo de Culturas Populares, México DF, México
2008. “A Cabinet of Natural Curiosities”, Roq La Rue Gallery, Seattle, USA
2007. “16th Annual Swap Meet” Jonathan LeVine Gallery, Nueva York, USA

Press  Press  Press  Press Press  

100 illustrators, Taschen · A life in illustration, Gestalten · Latino Gráfico, Gestalten · The illustrator, Taschen · Illusive I, II, III,  Gestalten · Fashion Unfolding, Victionary 

Grafik Magazin, Communication Arts , USA · Print , USA · XLR8R  ·   Computer Arts, China · Ornate, Grafik · Elle, UK · Picnic, Mexico · We Ar · La Vie, Taiwan · Varoom, UK We Ar · Elle, India · Casa e Jardim, Brazil

Newspapers & TV:
ABC, Spain ·  El País, Spain · S Moda, El País, Spain ·  El Colombiano, Colombia · Globo, Brasil · El Espectador, Colombia · TV3, Spain · TVE-2, Spain ·  BTV, Spain

100 Illustrators, Taschen
A Life in Illustration, Gestalten
Unfolding Fashion, Victionary
Latino Gráfico, Gestalten
Illusive, Gestalten
Print Magazine, USA
Communication Arts Magazine, USA
Computer Arts Magazine, China
Ornate, Grafik
Picnic Magazine, Mexico
BabyBoss Magazine, Mexico
XLR8R Magazine
Varoom Magazine, UK
Computer Arts Magazine
We Ar Magazine
La Vie Magazine, Taiwan
TVE-2, Spain
TV3, Spain
BTV, Spain
Casa Grazia, Italy
Elle, India
Casa e Jardim, Brazil

For licensing and commisions please contact David Recasens
For other enquiries please contact